Saturday, May 18, 2013

Newbie Woes: Finding a Corporation

Being a newbie in an MMO sometimes sucks. Compared to senior players, you lack resources and your character lacks the measures of power; whether it's "skillpoints" or "level". There are many items you can't use, and you don't know your way around the world yet. To top it off, there are other players who specifically prey on newbies, and most others have an apathetic, if somewhat slightly annoyed, attitude towards new players. But game mechanics can be learned, and characters can't help but grow in strength over time. Truly, the worst part about being a newbie is feeling like an outcast. But being a newbie confers a strength on those players who make it through the experience: The ability to tolerate frustration and disappointment.

When I was reading about joining EVE Online's community the most prominent themes were that Factional Warfare and Red vs Blue (RvB) are good places for newbies to learn how to PvP - but that FW is the best way for a new player to earn ISK. You also read that

So I wasted no time enlisting in the Caldari Militia and setting out to find a corporation that I could call my home. When reading about EVE Online, the importance of joining a good corporation as quickly as possible is stressed; this is because EVE Online is, after all, a social game. Most activities when done solo are dreadfully boring. The game is, I think, deliberately designed that way. I had read a lot of positive things about newbies in EVE Online - "newbies are the life blood of the game", "even a week old player can make a positive contribution". I thought that, as a new player, I would be welcomed. While some corporations wanted only experienced players, the majority seemed either neutral about newbies or accepting.

This has not been the reality in the Caldari militia. I found several candidates and weighed them against eachother, and settled on one militia corporation in particular. They seemed to be just what I needed; they had a free ship program, a free hauling service, lots of experience, and what's more, they listed themselves as newbie friendly and offered training. So I filled out their questionnaire, figured out what an "API key" was, and sent all the information to them.

Over the next couple of days, I didn't hear back from them. But I hung out in their public channel and tried to get to know everyone, learn what I could, and possibly join fleets. The channel was usually dead quiet, but when I did speak to someone, they were friendly. At first, many were apprehensive that I was a spy or an alt, but eventually they accepted that I really was a new player just seeking a corporation. Finally I received a convo from their CEO:
XXXXX > o/
Lysander Fairewell > Hello!

> Thanks for applying.  This is your only account?
Lysander Fairewell > Yes. I may start an alt account later, but I'd like to keep to 1 account for as long as possible.
Lysander Fairewell > Although I may already have to start an alt to move things. =\

XXXXX > You will want to build up some certificates.  It will be a liability for you in FW if you dont focus on Core Standard first and get a T2 Weapon like Small Guns or Missiles (Rockets are quick).
> You can forgo the Level 5 Targeting unless you decide to get into Logistics.
Lysander Fairewell > Currently training Engineering 4

> Its a comprehensive package.  Several skills brought to level 4 or 5 to earn the certificate.

> I will have to pass on your application until you have more time in the game.  I dont care about your FW experience.  That comes with time but no skills and you will leave the field in a pod frustrated often.  Give it 30 days and re-apply if you want.
Lysander Fairewell > I thought your corporation was newbie friendly? You may want to change your advertisement.

> You are welcome to hang out in the pub channel and get to know the team and ask questions.  Would make your application easier to process.

> We are.
Lysander Fairewell > Your page listed no skillpoint requirement.

> No.  It does however list a core standard.  I have updated it to show 60 days as a toon.

> Dont be mad.  You will hate FW without any base skills.
Lysander Fairewell > So then there is a skillpoint requirement.
Lysander Fairewell > I'm not mad, just a bit annoyed that you've wasted my time is all.

> Best of luck to you.
Lysander Fairewell > Yep.
Understandably this was an irritating conversation to have. Everywhere I turned in the militia I ran into skillpoint requirements, killboard requirements, and other miscellanea that I did not meet. This corporation was just what I was looking for it seemed... but in response to my application, they changed their recruitment policy to include a skillpoint requirement that excluded me. I have to admit that it's somewhat confusing; why list yourself as newbie friendly, but then put up a wall between yourself and the newbies when a newbie actually applies?

This person made a lot of assumptions about me, and about a newbies in general. I have already left the field in a pod several times - and once or twice with even less than that. Is it frustrating? Yes. Yes it is, especially since most of the people who killed me were fellow Caldari militia. I'm a little fish in an ocean full of sharks. But every hour that ticks by, I have more skillpoints, and every time I explode, that's more experience that I gain. I will fail a lot, and become frustrated and angry. But I am going to succeed anyway. And no, I will not be reapplying to your corporation in 30 days. If you view new players as a "liability" who are just going to get "frustrated" when they explode, then you definitely do not have the right mindset for me.

Speaking of mindsets, I found this video on Youtube today. I found it to be very inspirational. If I'd been a member of reddit longer, and a bit more active, I would seriously considering breaking character and joining TEST Alliance. In the meantime, my search continues.


  1. Try and join dreddit, or if not join just about any other corp in TEST alliance. we'll find somewhere to squeeze you in.

    Also, once you do get in:

  2. I'd seriously recommend that you join Brave Newbies Inc. Even if you don't intend to stick around forever. Their whole reason for existing is to prove that newbies can participate in the good content of EVE. If nothing else, they'll give you a solid place to start until you know what you want to do.
